Oxygen Therapy in Scottsdale
Oxygen Therapy
Welcome to Health Cellutions
Improve Your Energy & Efficiency
If you’ve never seen someone wearing an Oxygen mask at the gym or working out outdoors, LiveO2 Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) at Health Cellutions in Scottsdale may be an entirely new concept to you. It may sound crazy, but wearing an oxygen training mask during exercise can pose many health benefits! These benefits include enhancing certain medical treatments, increasing your body’s overall energy and efficiency, improving tissue and organ function, and reducing body pain and inflammation. Increased cardiovascular are health and Brain function are 2 of the many benefits of LiveO2 EWOT.
With Oxygen Therapy technology at Health Cellutions, you’ll first train with oxygen-depleted air to cause your cells to demand for oxygen, and then you’ll flip the mask’s switch for higher Oxygen, leading your cells to absorb even more oxygen than they would without the preceding Oxygen depletion! Learn about our 15-minute Oxygen Therapy in Scottsdale!
Treatment Details
Consultation Required?
Sessions Needed:
Results Duration:
What it Treats
Sleep apnea
Cerebral Palsey
Head injuries
Chronic fatigue
Memory problems
Attention/concentration issues
Cognitive functions
Why Try LiveO2 Oxygen Therapy in Scottsdale?
Efficient Oxygen Use
When your body is allowed oxygen after being depleted, it will absorb more.
Oxygen Therapy at Health Cellutions only takes 15 minutes! You can continue your day immediately after treatment.
Oxygen Therapy can supplement multiple different medical treatments and relieve many different symptoms.

What to Expect
The Oxygen Therapy Process
Before your Oxygen Therapy session in Scottsdale, you’ll meet with a member of our Health Cellutions team for a consultation. We will discuss your concerns, goals for treatment, and any questions you may have. Based on this initial consultation, we will create your personalized treatment plan, including what type of exercise you will be doing for therapy.
Oxygen Therapy Session
We will make sure you understand treatment expectations and that you’re comfortable getting started! The type of exercise we prescribe will be based on your individual goals. For athletes we tend to prescribe high intensity training, and for others with serious conditions we may prescribe light walking. We’re here to answer any questions or support you in any way we can.
Step 3
After your quick 15-minute therapy session, we will discuss how you feel and schedule a follow-up session according to your custom treatment plan. You’ll be able to continue on with your day as normal!
Pre-Care Instructions
Before Your Oxygen Therapy in Scottsdale, Health Cellutions Recommends:

Hydration is the key to detoxifying the body and LiveO2 Oxygen therapy is a powerful healing and detoxification experience. So the better you are hydrated before and after a session the better you will feel and the benefits are amplified.
Drink sufficient water prior to treatment.
Eat a Healthy Meal
Eat a well-balanced meal prior to treatment.
Post Treatment
Post-Care Instructions
After Your Oxygen Therapy in Scottsdale, Health Cellutions Recommends:

Drink sufficient water following treatment.
Follow Instructions
Follow any individual instructions your provider gives you.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How long will an Oxygen Therapy session at Health Cellutions last?
The session will last about 15 minutes!
- What are some of the main conditions that Oxygen Therapy helps with?
Alzheimer’s, Brain Fog, Dementia, Migraines, COPD, Sleep Apnea, Asthma, Stroke, and Bells Palsy have responded favorably to Oxygen Therapy.
- What kind of exercise will I do for my Oxygen Therapy?
The type of exercise you do will depend on your condition(s) and treatment goals. Don’t let the word “exercise” scare you! We’ll help you decide the type of exercise that’s best for you; it can be movement as simple as arm raises.
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